Welcome to AMCO
The Associated Male Choruses of Ontario (AMCO) is an affiliation of Ontario male choruses that began in 1952. It’s primary purpose is to promote participation and excellence in male chorus singing in Ontario. Chorus singers are generally untrained but become increasingly skilled and come from all walks of life. They are united in their love of singing.
"Singing for Life!" denotes an intergenerational activity as well as one that is health promoting and recreational.
AMCO promotes singing and socializing together as a healthy lifestyle and inter-generational activity by:
- Performance improvement and other types of workshops.
- Annual “Ontario Sings” events where the affiliated and other invited choruses blend their voices in mass and individual chorus performances.
In addition, AMCO is committed to encouraging young singers with scholarships awarded annually to worthy applicants.
What's Happening
Each year, AMCO choruses take turns hosting an Ontario Sings or mass chorus and individual chorus festival. In addition, AMCO sponsors workshops to help in improving individual and chorus singing. As part of its Renewal Process, AMCO sponsors special workshops and promotes the sharing of best practices through regular Board Meetings and electronic mail-outs. AMCO also sponsors annual Scholarships for worthy recipients studying music at the college level. Pictures and videos of these and other events are located elsewhere on this website.
Get Involved
Join singers of all ages in in a healthy and fun activity. Get to know others with similar interests.
No experience necessary. We'll train you. Attend our concerts. Check AMCO chorus websites for the chorus closest to you. Suggest a worthy scholarship applicant to an AMCO chorus member or contribute to our scholarship program.
Give us feedback on our activities. Offer to sponsor an ad in one of our programs. Contact us for more information.